Realm Royale Wiki

Forging in Realm Royale allows players to craft Epic or Legendary weapons, Items, Armor and Abilities. To forge gear, players must use a forge, located in each of the forge landmarks on the map.

Items can be Disenchanted for ShardsShards which can be used to Forge. Only potions can not be disenchanted. Players can carry a maximum of 300 Shards shards.

Shards can be used at the forge to craft the most powerful class items. Players can also craft potions with shards. Epic or better Class Weapons require Shards 100 shards to be crafted. Abilities are also randomly Class Abilities when forged but will not drop duplicates of legendary items the player currently has equipped. Potions require Shards20 shards

List of craftable items[]

These are the items currently craftable on the forge:

  • Health Potions: Costs 20 Shards, takes 15s to craft
    Craft 3x Potions.
  • Armor Potions: Costs 20 Shards, takes 15s to craft
    Craft 3x Potions.
  • Weapon: Costs 100 Shards, takes 25s to craft
    Craft a unique Epic class weapon with a chance to be Legendary.
  • Ability: Costs 80 Shards, takes 25s to craft
    Craft a unique Epic class ability with a chance to be Legendary.
  • Movement Ability: Costs 80 Shards, takes 25s to craft
    Craft the specific class ability in Epic rarity with a chance to be Legendary.
  • Armor : Cost 60 Shards, takes 24s to craft
    Craft an Epic piece of armor with a chance to be Legendary.
  • Resurrection: Costs depend on how long you survived and how many kills you and your team have.

Realm Royale
About the Game  •  How to Play  •  Chickens  •  Classes  •  Weapons  •  Items  •  Forging  •  Map  •  Cosmetic Items  •  Ranking  •  Patch notes  •  Lore